Santa Teresa is centrally located in the North American Borderplex, a unique region where three states and two nations join. The region is home to 2.4 million residents with a long history of manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics.
NM Workforce
New Mexico’s highly productive workforce has been lauded by companies like Facebook and Fidelity Investments. The state leads the nation in non-industry research and development, with three national labs and three research universities. Not surprisingly the 2017 State New Economy Index ranks New Mexico second in high-tech jobs. The same Index ranked the state seventh in patents, specifically the number of independent inventor patents as a percentage of the population.
The New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (DWS) produces a number of data products that provide a complete picture of the state’s labor force, including trends and projections.
- Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) data includes estimates of the Civilian Labor Force, Employment, Unemployment and the Unemployment Rate.
- Employment and Industry sector data is available from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program. CES publishes monthly Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment, Hours, and Earnings estimates by industry using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
- The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program produces Employment Estimates and Wages at the 2- and 6- digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system level.
- The Employment Projections program produces Industry and Occupation Employment Projections using Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes at the 2- and 6- digit levels.
Additional Information from DWS
The monthly Labor Market Review gives an updated picture of employment and unemployment statewide, as well as regional state comparisons.
DWS publishes an annual State of the Workforce, Social & Economic Indicators and other reports that detail New Mexico’s workforce and economy. These documents can be found here.
Additional data resources, including LASER (Labor Analysis Statistics & Economic Research) can found here.